Rediscover the darkness.

The 9 Tracker opens eyes.

Large quantities of black powder coating cover the 9 Tracker in a black robe. Those wishing to understand the motorcycle from Blitz Motorcycles must approach it like a masterpiece. 

The bike in detail


9 Tracker


Blitz Motorcycles


Fred Jourden and Hugo Jezegabel


R nineT





Attentive looks are rewarded

The eyes need a moment to get used to what they are seeing. Like in a starless night when everything is enveloped by darkness. The pupils dilate, thankful for any light source no matter how small. Hazy at first and then, with increasing detail they see the 9 Tracker from Blitz Motorcycles. Huge quantities of black powder coating have enveloped the customizers Fred Jourden and Hugo Jezegabel's bike in darkness. The top fork bridge, handlebar clamps and screws, the associated control systems and engine components: all in black. 

The 9 Tracker wants to be explored, and only attentive looks are rewarded with new details – like with a painting that only reveals its entire depth when the observer has invested an appropriate amount of time. 

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We are very happy with the result. It looks aggressive and brutal like a racing motorcycle. It is still a BMW, but does not look like an nineT. “

Fred Jourden

Blitz Motorcycles

For all the hidden details however, the 9 Tracker only needs a few hundredths of a second to clear all of the thoughts out of the observer's head. "It looks aggressive and brutal like a racing motorcycle", Fred says, describing his machine. The bike brings back memories of motorcycles from the 70s, which are whipped with dusty, oval racetracks. "We wanted to create this kind of look right from the outset. We used the legendary Harley Davidson Flat-Track Racer XR750 as a template", Fred recounts. Fred and Hugo's love for classic bikes is no secret. They have their own story for every project – whilst at the same time honouring a legendary bike. For the conversion of the R nineT, the two gearheads from Paris were aiming for a true tracker. "The idea behind it was to not leave the motorcycle looking like an R nineT, but like something that amazes people after they have whipped their heads round", says Fred. He and Hugo gave their machine bigger rims (19 inches), wide handlebars without switchgear and a self-constructed rear frame. This enabled them to install a racing seat reminiscent of the old times.  

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The bike in detail


Rear frame produced specially  


Petrol tank made of polyamide, produced in the 3D printer, specially coated inside and out so that no fuel escapes

Front suspension

Wide handlebars without switchgear (button is in the footbrake cylinder of the front brake), steel hydraulic front brakes and footbrake cylinder for the three callipers

Rear suspension

Wider wheel rims


2-1 exhaust with lightweight muffler 


Black, body colour by Carmouche

R nine T retains its spirit

The original petrol tank was standing in the way of nostalgia. It had to give way to a new one made of polyamide in a 3D printer – modern technology brings back the feeling of a bygone era. The tank also displaced the standard intake silencer, which was replaced with K&N air filters. And in so doing the R nineT increasingly disappeared without losing its spirit – precisely how Hugo and Fred wanted. They put a great deal more details into their black gleaming 9 Tracker. But those wishing to find them must look very closely.  

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Voeding voor je ziel.

R nineT modificaties van de meest gerenommeerde customizers ter wereld.

R nineT modificaties van de meest gerenommeerde customizers ter wereld.

Suitable motorcycles.
